2. Classes

Now that we understand the difference between classes and instances, let's code a class.

Let's think about dogs. All dogs have a name and a breed. This means that these are attributes of dogs.

First, let's create a Dog class. Create a new file called dog.rb and enter the following information:

class Dog


Congratulations! You've written your first Ruby class! Let's now create a new Dog and print it out to the console. Change your file to look like this:

class Dog

barnie = Dog.new

puts barnie.inspect

Save the file and run the program. It should give you an output something like this:


The inspect method allows us to look at the object in more detail.

We just created our first Dog object. Dog is the class, and barnie is an instance of the Dog class.

Let's go through what we just did.

Let's add some code to store information inside each Dog object. Change the file to look like this:

class Dog
  def initialize(name, breed)
    @name = name
    @breed = breed

dog = Dog.new

puts dog.inspect

Save the file and run the program.

Woops! Looks like we got an error.

dog.rb:2:in `initialize': wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 2) (ArgumentError)
from dog.rb:8:in `new'
from dog.rb:8:in `<main>'


Let's try to decipher this error message:

dog.rb:2:in `initialize': wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 2) (ArgumentError)

From this error message, we can tell where the bug is. First, it says that the error is on line 2 of dog.rb (dog.rb:2). Then it says that the error is in initialize (dog.rb:2:ininitialize'). **Finally**, it says that we are giving a wrong number of arguments - we gave it 0 arguments and it expected 2 arguments (wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 2) (ArgumentError) `).

From this information, we know that the root of the problem is on line 2 in the initialize method. But wait...what is this initialize method?


For those with experience with other programming languages, the initialize method is a constructor. A constructor in programming is a special method that initializes the object of the class.

Whenever a new object is created, Ruby looks for a method called initialize and runs the method. In other words, when the new method is triggered, Ruby looks for a method called initialize in the class and executes it.

For example, let's say we have a class called Test that looks like this:

class Test
  def initialize
    puts "I've been initialized!"

Now when we create a new instance of this class, let's see what happens:


The output will look like this:

I've been initialized!

Again, when we create a new instance of a class in Ruby, it finds the initialize method and executes it. In this case, our initialize method simply puts the string "I've been initialized!".

Let's go back to our order program. When we run Dog.new, Ruby finds the initialize method and runs the method. In the initialize method, we have two parameters: name and breed.

The initialize method here expects two parameters - if it doesn't receive two parameters, then the program will return an error.

The parameters for the initialize method are passed in from the new method:

Dog.new("name", "breed")
# "name" and "breed" are passed on to the initialize method as arguments

The parameters passed in through the new method are now passed into the initialize method.

The parameter values are then stored into two variables, @name and @breed. These variables that have a @ attached to the back of the name are called instance variables.

In the next lesson, let's talk about what instance variables are.